Tuesday, January 12, 2016


" When you tell one lie, it leads to another" 

By: Paul Hatch 

What this quote means to me is that if you tell a lie you are going to be trapped in a web of lies. The moment you tell one lie then you have gotten yourself in a whole lot of trouble. Telling one lie leads you to telling more to cover up that first lie. I remember once when I was in the 9th grade I really wanted to go watch a movie so I lied to my mom. That day we were supposed to have a performance at school but it was cancelled two days before. I told my mom it was still going on just so I could go. That day I went but then my mom kept calling asking where I was. I kept telling her I was at school so then she told me she was telling my brother to go pick me up. I had to come up with many m ore lies just to get her from catching me on my first lie. I felt bad for lying but there was no going back at what I had done I was afraid of the consequences. I got trapped in a web of lies and I did not like it one bit. I told her the truth of what had really happened and I got my phone taken away. I did not complain because I had earned the punishment.  

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