Monday, December 14, 2015


"Always do right." 

By: Mark Twain 

What this quote means is that you should always do the right thing. If you do the right thing then you will be better off than those who choose to do the wrong thing. Doing the right thing makes you a hard working person. If you are a hard worker than you will open up many doors for yourself. For example if you push yourself for the four years of high school you are guaranteed that you will make it into a 4 year university. Doing the right thing will then pay off because you will have a great chance at getting into the school of your dreams. There can also be a possibility of you getting a full ride and be able to attend the university completely free. Hard work always pays off if you go on about life like it is not something important and you do as you lease then you will never get anywhere. You will never have half of the opportunities that you would have if you tried a little harder.  You should always do right, by doing so you will have a great life. You will have many great experiences and you will be able to create memories along the way. 

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